Oral pathology or “oral lesions” include benign tumors, cancerous growths of odontogenic tooth origin and those that arise in the salivary glands, infections (both local and systemic) and manifestations of systemic, or body-wide  disorders.

Oral cancer is no longer a disease experienced by middle-aged patients with histories of smoking and alcohol consumption. Today we see a growing number of oral cancer patients in their 20s and 30s. A growing use of smokeless tobacco and a rise in Human Papillovirus (HPV) cases are considered responsible for this situation. Early detection and treatment of oral lesions greatly improves the patient´s prognosis. These lesions may be managed medically and/or surgically from the initial biopsy to the complete surgical  resection when needed.

Oro-Facial Pain.

Infection, maloclussion, TMJ, tumors, or nerve pathology may cause oro-facial pain. In our office we can diagnose the full spectrum of conditions that may cause pain in the mouth or face and provide the appropriate medical or surgical treatment.


We'll do everything we can to deliver an optimal experience & excellent patient care!

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